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Our Story

Translating principles into practices

Proactive quality management

At Laxmi, we have a dedicated Quality Assurance team specializing in quality control using tools like FMEA, PFMEA, PPAP, etc. Our quality ratings are sustained through the implementation of a rigorous quality control system. The QA team is involved at the beginning of every project along with the engineering team to identify challenges that could come up during manufacturing and production and address the same at the design stage. Part quality is carefully verified through in-process inspection plans where parts are constantly monitored for defects, damage, or any other inconsistencies. Every product packaged can then be traced back to the date the part was produced, the processes performed, and the materials employed.


Components undergo stringent testing and evaluation for purity and part quality as specified by our customers. For our medical device customers, we provide a clean room molding facility that is Class 8 certified.

Accredited Quality

Our commitment to quality is the foundation of our business. The dedicated team and the process validations are backed up by effective Quality Management Systems and certifications that include:

Process control

Laxmi achieves process control through adherence to robust tooling standards, rigorous IQ/OQ/PQ validations, and an industry-leading approach to scientific molding (GW/SM™). Extensive automation further drives our processes to achieve Six Sigma quality levels

Global Standardization

Laxmi has implemented a comprehensive plant and equipment standardization program to help reduce process variation and improve quality.

Investment in technology

As a privately held company, Laxmi manages its business for the long-term and has consistently invested in quality-critical technology to improve process stability and quality.

Workforce training & development

Laxmi invests heavily in training with a focus on quality to ensure its associates are trained in the latest technology, customer requirements and manufacturing techniques.

Get in Touch

We are here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.

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